Do you have questions related to new sale, renewal, existing customer contracts or add/remove vehicles?
Contact our department for distribution:
E-mail: info@protectorforsikring.dk
Phone: +45 50 60 58 30

Do you have an ongoing claim with us?
Contact our department for claimservice: * Remember to include you claimnumber in the subject field
E-mail: skade@protectorforsikring.dk
Phone: +45 50 60 58 30

Claimservice can help you with ongoing claims within Personal-, Property-, Motor- or Liability.

Are you reporting an incident? Report the claim here.

Do you need to use your roadside assistance subscription? Contact our supplier Falck directly via phone: +45 88 77 57 67 (round the clock service)

Secure email

If you are sending us an email containing sensitive information, please use our secure email adress:


 If you have discussed a decision with the relevant claims department and still no agreement has been reached, you can complain to our complaints unit.

Email: klage@protectorforsikring.dk